50+ Live Mixed Freshwater Snails (+3 DOA)
$ 13.19
- Description
- Size Guide
Offering 50+ Mixed Juvenile/Adult SnailsYou will receive a mix of 50 babies, juveniles, & adult snails. The order will include a mix of Bladder, Ramshorn, & Malaysian Trumpet Snails (MTS). There are no guarantees of how many of each you will receive, or what you will receive. This will be a mixed batch of snails.
You will get +3 extra in case of any DOA's.
**Note: Ad images show our entire farm selection, and does not necessarily reflect what will be included with your order.
Our snail batches are bred and raised in indoor freshwater farms, free of the parasites and contaminants found in open wild environments. We take care to ensure that our snail varieties are healthy, vibrant, and active with strong calcium fortified shells.
Benefits & Uses
Snails are a great "clean up crew" since they feed on waste, decaying plant matter, different types of algae, & anything else they can get their mouth on.
They don’t touch healthy plants or feed on thriving vegetation, so you don't have to worry about having them in a planted tank.
Snails are a great live food source for some species of fish, for example:
Bala Shark
Cory Catfish
various types of Loaches
Pea Puffers
Striped Raphael Catfish
Bladder Snails
Bladder snails average lifespan is usually no longer than 2 years depending on environment, and they only grow to about 1/2". Juveniles have a clear shell with some gold or brown highlights that actually can be quite pretty if you are keeping as a pet. Their shell does darken as they get older. Bladder snails are Sinistral, which means that the shell spirals to the left. This is pretty rare in the mollusk world since most species are Dextral and have armor that twists to the right. Bladder snails also do not have the operculum lid that most snails use for protection. Bladder snails also have thin, short tentacles.
Bladder snails are pulmonary snails that breathe air. The Bladder snails have a unique respiratory system that allows them to float, bob, and swim in the water as they see fit. They can eliminate the air in their respiratory system to sink to the bottom or use it to shake off unwanted parasites and bugs. Parasites are possible in Bladder snails, but tend to be rare. As stated earlier,
they can shake worms and microorganisms off their bodies
if they feel any unwanted parasites or bugs.
They are very prolific, so they do reproduce quickly & abundantly. Bladder snails are hermaphroditic, which means that they have both male and female reproductive organs. If there are no available mates, they can propogate & self fertilize internally. Bladder snails usually lay egg capsules that hold 10-40 eggs that hatch within a week. They do usually prefer to lay on plants, but will lay them on any other surface as well.
When they are 1st born, the babies have soft shells so they will seek out a source of calcium. It is very important to keep some calcium in your water for them, since it is essential for their healthy growth. Consider adding some crushed eggshells or cuttlefish bones to your aquarium. Bladder snails mature in about a month so do not take long to grow.
Bladder snails are Omnivores so will feed on waste, decaying plant matter, different types of algae, & anything else they can get their mouth on. Which makes them an effective "clean up crew". They don’t touch healthy plants or feed on thriving vegetation. This also make makes them a good gauge on the health of your tank. Overfeeding can cause a population boom.
Bladder snails prefer warmer water with little to no flow, but are undemanding as a whole.
Water temperature:
64°F to 84°F
pH levels:
7.0 to 8.0
Water hardness:
12 to 18 dGH (harder water)
Ramshorn Snail
Healthy, well-fed Ramshorn snails can live up to a year or more. Ramshorn snails can grow up to slightly larger than a dime. Ramshorn snail size usually refers to both height & width of their shell. The larger the shell, the older the snail. Ramshorn snail shells have a round whorl spiraling outward from the apex to the aperture. A healthy shell will look like a flat coil, wound up like a garden hose. Shells get wider as the whorl grows longer. As long as the Ramshorn snail gets sufficient calcium & has a balanced diet, they will grow quickly. Their shells will be healthy, grow thick, & be crack-free.
Ramshorn snails lay clutches of eggs that start out as clear, jelly-like globs that eventually turn translucent-white in color. These clutches can be found anywhere there is a "hard" surface. Usually these egg clutches can be found on the underside of plant leaves, on decor, on rocks, & the sides of the aquarium.
When Ramshorn snails are born, their shells are thin & transparent. As they age, their shells will grow longer, wider, & more solid looking.
Ramshorn snails are Omnivores so will feed on dead or decaying plant matter, soft algae, uneaten food, & fallen tank mates. Which makes them an effective "clean up crew". Ramshorn snails should also be fed a variety of fish flakes, pellets, bottom feeder tablets, algae wafers, blanched vegetables, & calcium-rich supplements or foods for healthy shell growth. Overfeeding of any type of food can cause a population boom, so feed in small amounts & only what can be eaten within 5 minutes.
Ramshorn snails prefer tanks with clear, moderately moving water, but do well in tanks more on the murky side as well. Ramshorn snails are adaptable & do well in a range of water conditions. Tank water just needs to be well aerated & oxygenated with stable water parameters. Ramshorn snails prefer a well planted tank with rocks, caves, & other decor to explore.
Water temperature:
70°F to 78°F
pH levels:
7.0 to 7.5
Water hardness:
Harder Water
Malaysian Trumpet Snails (MTS)
Malaysian Trumpet Snails are called many names such as Malaysian Burrowing Snail, Malaysian Live Bearing Snail, Malaysian Snail, Trumpet Snails, Trumpets, Red-Rimmed Melania, or MTS.
Malaysian Trumpet Snails (MTS) can live up to two years or longer under the right conditions, & can grow up to an inch in length from apex to aperture. Females grow slightly larger than males. MTS have elongated shells that are shaped like a cone. The shell grows in rings as it swirls up from the apex. MTS shells range in solid colors & patterns. They can be brown, grey, black, or creamy-white. Some even have red spots circling around the whorls. MTS have a flat head with a pair of tentacles at the base, where the eyes are. Males have red gonads & females have green gonads.
MTS are very prolific. MTS are a live-bearing species that reproduces either through parthenogenesis or sexual reproduction. A single female can produce over 200 young. The embryos develop in the brood pouch before being released as a juvenile that already has 5-6 whorls on their shell. Not all embryos will develop into juveniles because many will be ingested by other embryos in the pouch. Newborns are .08". Juveniles reach sexual maturity when they're only .3", but their reproductive capacity peaks at .8" before reducing again as their size increases. MTS grow quickly at about .1" a month.
MTS prefer to stay buried during the day, coming out at night to feed. MTS are Omnivores so will feed on dead or decaying plant matter, soft algae, uneaten food, debris & detritus, blanched vegetables, a variety of fish flakes, pellets, bottom feeder tablets, algae wafers, & calcium-rich supplements or foods for healthy shell growth. MTS are an effective "clean up crew". Overfeeding of any type of food can cause a population boom, so feed in small amounts & only what can be eaten within 5 minutes.
MTS can be beneficial to plants because of their "burrowing" habits. Their natural movements help to aerate the soil, which helps plants, & also prevent harmful gas build-up.
MTS do well in a wide range of water parameters, but prefer slow-moving water. MTS live primarily in fresh water, but can survive in brackish water. MTS tolerate pollutants better than most other species. MTS prefer heavily planted tanks & a soft substrate, but do not eat the healthy plants, so are safe for planted tanks.
Water temperature:
70°F to 78°F
pH levels:
7.0 to 7.5
Water hardness:
Harder Water
Tank Requirements
Snails are very hardy & adaptive creatures that do not require much space. They can live in pretty much any tank size as long as there is proper filtration. All of these snails are great for beginners due to the ease of their care.
Shipping & Handling
Shipping will be done during regular business hours Monday thru Wednesday. Please add an extra 2 business days for handling & an additional 2 business days for shipping during Holidays. Snails will be shipped in a small/medium sized container, depending on size of order, to reduce possibilities of leakage.
PO boxes are not recommended. It is your responsibility to keep track of your delivery & make sure to pick up as soon as possible. Please do not leave your package outside or sitting in a mailbox for any length of time. In the event you are not available to receive your order, please make arrangements with your local Post Office. Cannot ship to Alaska, Hawaii, or outside continental US.
*** Please note: Check your local temperatures prior to ordering. Extreme weather can affect Snails negatively, so we will not be able to guarantee healthy or live Snails in this event. Ideal temperature for Snails is between (70°F-78°F). Temperatures outside of these ranges may have some die off. Our satisfaction policy does not extend to temperature related deaths. It is the customer's responsibility to monitor weather for shipping purposes. It will be at your discretion to have Snails shipped during extreme temperatures outside of the Snails comfort range.
We do not replace or refund in the event of temperature related deaths.
***We will provide thermal packing upon request for an additional cost. Please email for the info once you have ordered. Thank you. ***
Returns & Replacement
In the event of DOA, please provide photo evidence of unopened container within 2 hours of delivery. Please contact us to discuss possible replacement. Snails are
Living Creatures
, so
no Returns
are accepted.
As always, we thank you for your consideration & patronage; And we appreciate your positive feedback.