50 + (2) Live Ramshorn Snails. Free shipping. Ramshorn Snails are an excellent addition to freshwater aquariums. They will spend their time cleaning algae and debris throughout the tank and contribute to a healthier environment for fish and plants alike. As feeders, they provide great nutrition to puffers, turtles or other aquatic reptiles. We guarantee that your snails will arrive healthy, however we are not responsible for issues arising due to aquarium parameters. When snails are shipped they can become stressed and retreat into the shell. Put them in your aquarium and wait a couple of hours. They should adjust and start moving soon. In case of DOA (Dead Upon Arrival) please contact us upon receipt of your package for resolution. Pictures are required to confirm and receive refund or replacement. We ship Mondays & Tuesdays to ensure prompt delivery during that same week in the U.S.